Browse FAQs to learn more about Career Counseling and how it can be beneficial to you
Ok. I have decided to undergo Career Counseling. What is the procedure?
Career Counseling is a scientifically designed process to help identify what would be your best career option. At Saadhye
Career Counseling’, we undertake this procedure in 3 stages. First, we conduct an Introductory & Preparatory Session (45 mins)
in which the Counselor will understand the preferences and interests of the student. In the next step, the student undergoes an
online psychometric assessment test which generates a detailed report. In the last session (1 hour), the counselor will discuss
and analyses the report with the student. Thereafter, after detailed analysis, the counselor will provide the final
recommendations. We, also, offer a plethora of other interactive, engaging and useful educational services, which you could opt
for, with an additional fee.
It’s my dream to graduate from a prestigious foreign University. But I have no clue when and what to prepare?
Congratulations, studying abroad could be the life changing decision for you and your family. However, bear in mind that as
heavy finances are involved, stakes are high and one cannot afford to take a wrong decision. Luckily, we are experts in the field
of foreign universities counseling. We can provide you in-depth information about the best universities in some of the best
education destinations of the world. We will sit down with you and construct a strategy to give you the best chances for selection
in your dream university.
I am based out of kota. Can I take Career Counseling?
Yes, of course. Although, counseling sessions can be undertaken face-to-face, online sessions are equally effective and far
more convenient. What better than receiving your counseling sessions at the comfort and safety of your home. Do get in touch
with us for more details.
I am a working professional. Can Career Counseling help me?
Yes. We understand many individuals could be facing stagnation or insignificant growth in career, or could be looking for a
career change. Taking the help of assessment tests (designed specifically for this purpose), we could help you identify where
you’re true passion lies and provide essential guidance in how you could achieve it. When numerous working professionals
have availed immense benefit out of the career counseling program, why not you?
I have already decided about my Career. Why would I need Career Counseling?
Well, it’s great that you have already made up your mind about your career. But you can’t deny that today’s world is extremely
dynamic. Newer opportunities and career options are emerging every day, and conventional ones are slowly losing shine. So,
why not invest a little now and to be doubly sure that you have made the right decision. Our Experts Interaction Program is
designed to specifically help such students, who have decided their chosen career path and would like to gain some additional
insights and important information.
Our child’s mind doesn’t seem to be in studies??
One of the reasons why children are not engaged in studying in their concentration this happens due to the lack of concentrate
of the children in skills we have concentration therapy .through which their concentration increase & they can study well.
how to cure child’s mobile addiction??
Mobile Addiction is the most seen problem among children today. We program children on mobile addiction which is of 21
Days program we give step by step to children and we do counseling of children on mobile addiction their mobile addiction
gracefully decreases.
My child is in teenage and often he/she in angry state of mind only .
15 years means teenage in this some changes come in children their behavior changes this is also wrong we work on the
behavior problem of children to correct the behavior on this we tell them how to the rights behavior should be through
counseling & give them program related to behavior
How I plan my schedule to achieve success in life?
We make your schedule according to your daily routine according to your interest time is taken out for you so that you
can be focused on your carrier & like this, we will set your time table.
Sessions are generally 55-min long but we can negotiate for a longer time if our schedules allow. The 1st session is an
assessment where we gather background information from you and your partner. The 2nd and 3rd sessions we usually meet
with partners individually to understand your relationship histories. Starting the 4th session, we bring couples back together
again to track your interaction patterns. There may be times we might request to meet individually with one or both of you again
if issues come up that impact your ability to feel safe and vulnerable in the relationship. For more information, here’s a detailed
roadmap for treatment.
If for whatever reason, couples counseling is terminated and one of you wants to continue individual counseling with us, we
can see you individually, provided that both partners are aware of this arrangement. If in the future, both partners want to
resume couples counseling, we’ll need to refer you to a different couples therapist for reasons mentioned above. In some
cases, we might determine it’s in your best interest to do individual work with a different provider all together.
Once we start seeing you for individual counseling, we’re partial to your perspective, which makes us a biased 3rd person
looking into your couple relationship. For that reason, we cannot go on to work with both you and your partner but will need
to refer you to another colleague for couples counseling.
Why is this GARBHASANSKAR needed?
To compete in today's overgrowing population and resulting race out future generation needs to be very intelligent,
resourceful and creative. Today the slogans like "Hum do hamare do" or even going a step further "hum do harara ek" are
considered more appropriate. Now it is necessary to bring this single child in sophisticated form so that it makes you proud
by its extraordinary and all round qualities. Woman power has been very raised and their importance told by proverb like
"The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world". This power can be enhanced actively by Garbh Sanskar done under in to
your child.
What makes this possible?
To ensure that your forthcoming baby is born as a well cultured healthy and intelligent child is entire up to you. As per the
science of Ayurved you can plan such a child right from the conception stage i.e. as soon as the lady becomes pregnant or
even before just as to get good fruits good quality of seeds alone are not enough but the soil should be made fertile by
proper tilling, supplying adequate amount of water care of plant in the soil is required. In the same way for cultured and
healthy child GARBHSANSKAR is required. Ayurveda recommends suitable medication to remove the deficiencies if any in
both the parents. Garbhsanskar done after and even before the conception is extremely beneficial.
Are you a gynecologist?
No, I am not a gynecologist and not at all the substitute of gynecologist. My part is to educate couple to get a brilliant,
beautiful, healthy, and cultured and a hereditary disease free baby.